There are a couple of ways you can sends forms to clients: automatically or manually.

Sending forms automatically

To send forms using our automated system, make sure your form is published first and then adjust the timing settings at the bottom of the forms setting screen.

How do I automate my forms?

Sending forms manually

  1. Open the client file to whom you wish to send your form
  2. Tap on Forms
  3. Tap the blue plus button to display a list of all your available forms
  4. Select the form(s) you wish to add to their client file and tap the blue checkmark button
  5. Once the forms are in their client file, long press on one of the forms you wish to send to enter the multi-selection mode
  6. You can choose to select multiple forms to send here or use the one already selected
  7. Tap the blue send button to send it to your client